Old-style dulcimer and organ

21. October 2023 at 18:00
kostel sv. Jakuba Staršího


  • she is the founder of the Opus Organum association, which aims to promote and restore organs of the Znojmo organ school. She continues this activity with the establishment of the Silberbauer Music Podyjí Festival, of which she is the director and dramaturge. The aim of the festival is to musically connect the Czech and Austrian border regions. Thanks to this activity, the greatest contribution to the field is the future restoration of valuable instruments by Josef Silberbauer. In December 2021, her first solo CD Silberbauer was released in Vranov nad Dyjí on the Arta Music label. Kateřina Málková is a promoter of mainly baroque works, but also of contemporary composers. She always tries to find new places with lesser-known instruments and is committed to promoting them to a wider public. She organizes a number of concerts both in South Moravia and in Lower Austria. In addition to his solo concert playing, he also devotes himself to teaching. She has performed at festivals in Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, etc. She has collaborated with orchestras such as the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, North Bohemian Philharmonic Orchestra, Atlantis Orchestra, Collegium magistrorum, Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra, Sedunum String Orchestra and others. She studied organ at the Brno Conservatory with Petr Kolař, then continued her studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague with Jaroslav Tůma. During her studies, she completed a one-year internship abroad in Lübeck, Germany with Arvid Gast.
  • Michal Grombiřík is a native of Hodonín. In his youth he was intensively involved in folk music and cooperated with various dulcimer bands and folk ensembles. In 2013 he graduated from the Janáček Conservatoire and Gymnasium in Ostrava in the class of Daniel Skala. In 2019 he graduated from the JAMU in Brno with a master's degree in music management. Now he is studying jazz performance also at JAMU. In 2009 and 2011 he won the top prize and special jury prizes for his performance of contemporary compositions at the International Dulcimer Competition in Wallachian Meziříčí. His concert collaborations include the Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra Ostrava, Symfonica de Castellón (ESP), Moravian Chamber Orchestra, Ensemble Radost, Police Symphony Orchestra, State Opera Orchestra, Opera Diversa, Brno Contemporary Orchestra, Oran Etkin Jazz Band and others. He is a member of the concert trio ConTRIOlogy and also works on his own original projects and various concert and recording collaborations. His musical activities are mainly directed towards the field of contemporary music, free improvisation and jazz.
  • A graduate of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague under the guidance of Martin Bárta and the Prague Conservatory under the class of Jiří Kubík. In 2015 he made his debut on the professional opera stage in the role of Hermann (J. Offenbach, Hoffmann's Tales) at the prestigious music festival in Bregenz, Austria. In the same year, he started to cooperate with Czech opera houses. He is a regular guest on the stage of the J. K. Tyl Theatre in Plzeň, where he has already performed the roles of Kajetan (Z. Fibich, The Bride of Messina), Seneca (C. Monteverdi, The Coronation of Poppea), Kecal (B. Smetana, The Bartered Bride) and Apostle Peter (S. Bodorová, Quo Vadis). At the Silesian Theatre in Opava he performed the roles of Eremit (C. M. von Weber, The Sorcerer) or Pistola (G. Verdi, Falstaff), at the North Bohemian Theatre as Sarastro (W. A. Mozart, The Magic Flute), and at the South Bohemian Theatre in the roles of Benes the Jailer (B. Smetana, Dalibor) or Prince Gremin (P. I. Tchaikovsky, Eugene Onegin). For two seasons he was also a permanent member of the ensemble of the opera of the Liberec F. X. Šalda, where he performed the roles of Farrar and Badger (L. Janáček, The Cunning Little Vixen), Masetto (W. A. Mozart, Don Giovanni) and Lodovico (G. Verdi, Otello). Since 2020 he has also been a guest on the stage of the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre in Ostrava as Matthew (B. Smetana, Hubička) or Pluto, the god of the underworld (C. Monteverdi, Il ballo delle ingrate). In 2022 he performed at the International Opera Festival in Wexford, Ireland, in a successful production of Dvořák's Armida, playing the character of Ubaldo the knight. In addition to the theatre, he is also a concert performer and collaborates with renowned musical ensembles such as Collegium 1704, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra Olomouc, Musica Florea, Pardubice Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra and NeoKlasik Orchestra. In sacred music programmes he regularly performs with concert organist Kateřina Málková.


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The Baroque building from 1725 was built on the site of a smaller Gothic church. The mighty west tower was built in its present form a few years later. Except for the first arched window, the tower could have existed since Roman times. Interior furnishings include stucco work, a marble pulpit and wall frescoes. The main altarpiece in the lower right corner shows a view of Unterretzbach in the 18th century. In front of the folk altar is a crypt with a Romanesque vault. The park next to the church served as a cemetery until 1900. The foundations of an ossuary have been discovered in the arch of the wall-like defensive wall.

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